
  1. 发芽:~ yá, sprout burgeoning
  2. 发票:~ piào, n. receipt; originally to give out or distribute tickets
  3. 发条:~ tiáo, n. the winding inside a mechanism that unwinds
  4. 发信/通知:~ xìn/tōng zhī, v. to send out or drop off letters or announcements
  5. 发胖:~ pàng, v. to become fat, 发福fú, v. to become lucky and put on weight
  6. 发财:~ caí, v. to become rich and wealth
  7. 发霉:~ méi, v. to grow mold, bacteria or fungi
  8. 发光:~ guāng, v. to shine, to give out light; 发火:~ hǔo, v. to be furious
  9. 发炎:~ yán, v. to become infected
  10. 发生:~ shēng, v. to happen, occur, and take place
  11. 发展:~ zhǎn, v. to develop
  12. 发扬:~ yáng, v. to exalt and promote
  13. 发现:~ xiàn, v. discover, uncover, find out
  14. 发掘:~ jué v. uncover (a coal mine)
  15. 发觉:~ jué, v. to sense, discern or notice
  16. 发明:~ míng, v. to invent
  17. 发言:~ yán, v. to speak up or express oneself verbally
  18. 发表:~ biǎo, v. to publish and make known
  19. 发布:~ bù, v. to publicize and issue forth (e.g. edict)
  20. 发起:~ qǐ, v. to establish or initiate or instigate
  21. 发动:~ dòng, v. to mobilize, organize, bring to motion
  22. 发挥:~ huī, v. to put to use, apply
  23. 发配:~ pèi, v. to assign someone to an official post,
  24. 发育:~ yù, v. to grow up and mature
  25. 发情:~ qíng, v. to be in the mood for mating
  26. 发泄:~ xìe, v. to give vent to or release (anger, lust, etc.)
  27. 发病:~ bìng, v. to become sick and ill
  28. 发疯:~ fēng, v. to become crazy, and lose mind
  29. 发烧:~ shāo, v. to run a fever
  30. 发闷:~ mèng, v. to be suffocated, congested;
  31. 发荤:~ hūn v. dizzy and light-headed
  32. 发怵:~ chù, v. to be apprehensive and afraid
  33. 发呆:~ daī v. to be numb, foolish, and sedated
  34. 发愣:~ lèng, v. to be transplanted and rendered immobile
  35. 发虚:~ xū, v. to be weak and feeble
  36. 发音:~ yīn, v. to enunciate and pronounce
  37. 发奋:~ fèn v. to shape up and do one’s best
  38. 发家:~ jiā, v. to become prosperous
  39. 发难:~ nàn, v. to make trouble, rock the boat
  40. 发热/冷:~ rè  lěng, v. to feel hot or cold
  41. 发脾气:~ pí qi, v. to have a temper tantrum
  42. 发善心:~ shàn xīn, v. to have a kind heart, mercy, compassion, and sympathy