shi_de exercises

The uses of 是 … 的

When asking or answering questions about an action or event in the past concerning such specifics as who, how, when, where, by what means, with whom, etc., you need the 是 … 的 structure, with the 是 appearing right before question words (怎么,什么,谁,哪儿,哪个,几个,几点,多少钱). More precisely, the 是 always appears before preposition such as 在(at)哪,从(from)什么地方/什么时候,跟(with)谁,给(to)谁,用(by means of)什么。

Last night at 9 pm dad drove me and my sister in mom’s car to the cinema to see a movie.


Last night at 9 dad drove me and my younger sister to see a movie in mom’s car.



Last night at 9 dad drove me and my younger sister to see a movie in mom’s car.



Last night dad drove me and my younger sister to see a movie.



Last night dad drove me and my younger sister to see a movie in mom’s car.



Last night dad drove me and my younger sister to see a movie.



Last night at dad drove me and my younger sister to the cinema to see a movie.




Insertion exercise: write an arrow th” to indicate where 是 should go. 50 points.

For example, 昨天我th一个人去看电影的。

I went to the movie last night by myself. (It was by myself that I went to the movie last night.

(Rephrase these sentences with 是 inserted)

  1. 今天早上我给你打电话的。 It was me who called you this morning.
  2. 去年夏天我开我妈的车去纽约的。It was mom’s car I drove to NYC last summer.
  3. 我去年夏天开我妈的车去纽约的。It was last summer I drove mom’s car to NYC.
  4. 我昨天看完那本书的。 It was yesterday I finished reading that book.
  5. 他昨天下午三点死的。 It was 3 pm that he died yesterday.
  6. 妹妹穿裙子跟妈妈去跳舞的。It was a skirt that my sister wore to the dance with mom.
  7. 他们2013年在中国结的婚。It was in China that they were married in 2013.
  8. 他们2013年在中国结的婚。It was in 2013 that they were married in China.
  9. 我看的书在图书馆借的。The book I am reading now was from the library.
  10. 弟弟一个人走路去飞机场的。 Brother went by himself to the airport on foot.

用“是. . . 的”对蓝色部分问问题; 50 points.

Question the part in blue using “shi … de” structure.

Example, 去年我跟女朋友在北京工作了一年。 去年你跟女朋友在哪工作了一年

(Rephrase these sentences in 是 … 的 pattern)

  1. 昨天我跟我的女朋友一起在学生餐厅吃了晚饭。
  2. 我妈去年暑假去中国工作了两个月。
  3. 昨晚他三点50分才睡觉。
  4. 上个周末弟弟去中国城看了一个电影。
  5. 今天上午王律师走路去图书馆看了5个钟头的书。
  6. 爸爸给她妹妹买了一件90块钱的衬衫。
  7. 前天我们去学校旁边的那个星巴克喝了一杯咖啡。
  8. 上星期, 我星期给我妈妈打了一个电话。
  9. 妹妹的律师昨天从他家开车去了她的学校。
  10. 哥哥今天用我的酒杯喝了很多绿茶。

Further reading