De exercises

Short lecture on 的、得 and 地

翻译,using 得;e.g. He laughed so hard that his tommy ached. 他笑肚子都疼了。

  1. He was so happy that he jumped up. 他高兴得跳了起来。
  2. She was so tired that she didn’t want to eat. 她累得不想吃饭。
  3. He misses her so much that he cannot sleep. 他想她想得不能睡觉。
  4. She reads so much that she doesn’t want to sleep. 她看书看得不想睡觉。
  5. Dad is so busy that he doesn’t have time to drink coffee. 爸爸忙得没有时间喝咖啡。
  6. My grandpa is so old that he doesn’t know who he is. 爷爷老得不知道他是谁。
  7. Today is so hot that nobody wants to play ball outside. 今天热得没人想在外边打球。
  8. The computers are so expensive that nobody wants to buy. 电脑贵得没人想买。
  9. The clothes in China are so cheap that anybody can buy. 中国衣服便宜得谁都能买。
  10. China has so many people that each family can only have one child. 中国人多得一家只能生一个孩子。

的 exercise, ⬅️ further explained;

In order to do the exercises on the next page well, you need to understand the use of “de” in a modifying clause. When you qualify or modify a noun, say, a book, in English, you do so after you introduce the noun first. You say, “The book that I read last night is interesting.” The book is being qualified by the fact that you read it last night, which appears after the noun, book, in a sentence. In Chinese, such modifying clauses come before the noun, much like this: “the buy-now-pay-later plan.” The noun being modified is “plan” but the modifying clause appears in front of it. This is how Nietzsche’s sentence looks like (“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music): 听不见音乐的人以为在跳舞的人是疯子。Now read the following sentences; circle the nouns being modified and underline the modifying clause. Example:

  1. He dislikes the coffee that I make.
  2. The man speaking to my mom is my Dad.
  3. I know the teacher whom you danced with yesterday.
  4. 我昨天看的电影没意思。
  5. 那个没有孩子的律师很漂亮。

Now you see how word order (syntax/grammar) is different in the Chinese and English sentences. “De” connects the modifier to the modified; it connects “I saw yesterday” to “film” (the film I saw yesterday) and “Have no kids” to “lawyer” (lawyer without kids). In both cases, the qualifying clause appears before the noun being qualified. Thus, “the music that I like to listen to” is 我喜欢听的音乐. “The tea she often drinks” is 她常常喝的茶. “Childless people” is 没有孩子的人.

Combine the two sentences using 的

例子: a. 她不喜欢听音乐。b. 爸爸常常听音乐

=  她不喜欢爸爸常常听的音乐。or 爸爸常常听她不喜欢的音乐。

(1)     a. 那个人爱喝酒。b. 我认识那个人 

    • I know the person who loves to drink wine.
    • The person whom I know loves to drink wine.

(2)     a. 这本书很有意思。b. 我家没有这本书 

    • The book that I don’t have at home is very interesting.
    • I don’t have at home the book that is very interesting.

(3)     a. 那个人会说英文。b. 那个人爱打球。

    • The person who knows how to speak English loves to play ball.
    • The person who loves to play ball knows how to speak English.

(4)     a. 他们买衣服。b. 衣服很贵。

    • They buy clothes that are expensive.
    • The clothes that they buy are expensive.

(5)     a. 她要请我去看电影。b. 那个电影没有意思。

    • She wants to treat me to the movie that is boring.
    • The movie that she is treating me to watch is boring.

(6)     a. 那杯咖啡两块钱。b. 他不喜欢喝咖啡

    • That coffee which he does not like to drink is $2 per cup.
    • He does not like to drink the coffee that is $2 per cup.

(7)     a.  那个男孩儿天天去图书馆看书。b. 那个男孩儿有两个妹妹。

    • The boy with two younger sisters goes to the library every day.
    • The boy who goes to the library to read every day has two younger sisters.

(8)     a. 那个人考试考得不好。b. 那个人姓张。

    • That guy who tests poorly is surnamed Zhang.
    • That guy whose last name is Zhang tests poorly.

(9)     a.     我常常去那个书店。   b. 学校旁边(páng biān, nearby)有一个书店

    • I often go to the bookstore next to our school.
    • Next to our school is a bookstore that I often go to.

(10)    a.    她要去那个咖啡馆。   b. 弟弟在那个咖啡馆工作。

    • She wants to go to the cafe where younger brother works.
    • Younger brother works in the cafe that she wants to go.

Examples of “de”-modifying clause gone wild:

  • 那个不想去看电影
  • 那个喜欢在看书的女不想去看美国电影
  • 那个喜欢在男朋友看英文的漂亮女人不想开去看没有意思的美国电影
  • 那个喜欢在爸爸女朋友看英文的漂亮女人不想开她男朋友去看没有意思美国电影

请回答下面的10个问题,用”的”(verbal attributes)。