- 上海就是商海;Shanghai is indeed a sea of commerce
- Shàng haǐ jiù shi shāng haǐ
- 北京就是背景;Beijing is indeed a web of social connections
- Beǐ jīng jiù shi beì jǐng
- 誓言就是失言;Oath and vows are but broken promises
- shì yán jìu shi shī yán
- 彩礼就是财力;Betrothal gifts are showings of wealth and power
- caǐ lǐ jìu shi caí lì
- 理想就是离乡;Ideals are precursors of displacements
- lí xiǎng jìu shi lí xiāng
- 平民就是拼命;The poor are doomed to a life of struggles
- píng mín jìu shi pīn mìng
- 商海;shāng haǐ; sea of commerce
- 背景;beì jǐng; background, social connections,
- 誓言;shì yán, oath /vow;
- 失言;shī yán; break promise;eat one’s words
- 彩礼;caǐ lǐ; betrothal gift;
- 财力;caí lì; power of wealth, purchasing power,
- 理想;lí xiǎng; hope, ideal,
- 离乡;lí xiāng; leave one’s native land; displacement
- 平民;píng mín; the poor, the plebeian
- 拼命;pīn mìng; life-and-death-struggle