使 (render, cause, make) functions to indicate a causal relation
- 每天在电脑前工作10多个小时使(⬅️cause)他的眼睛越来越差(⬅️effect)。
- 妹妹的男朋友昨天忘了她生日,这使(⬅️cause)她很生气(⬅️effect)。
- 大学的奖学金使(⬅️cause)很多交不起学费的学生可以继续念书(⬅️effect)。
Match fragments below
- 上周的大雪❄️使 . . . ( ) 他今天考试考得很不理想
- 移民的增加使 . . . ( ) 爸爸这六个月每天都很难过
- 昨天姐姐的男朋友向她求婚使 . . . ( )她决定不再跟他做朋友了
- 疫情🦠的扩散使 . . . ( ) 她高兴得一夜没睡
- 中国市场经济的发展使 . . . ( )一些年纪大的美国人不安
- 拜登(Biden)觉得电动车🛵的大量生产会使 . . . ( ) 学校不得不停🤚课
- 美国的自由平等使 . . . ( ) 世界各国人民向往美国
- 妈妈半年前的去世使 . . . ( )大家感到戴口罩😷的必要
- 他对女朋友说了很多难听话使 . . . ( )很多农民工的收入越来越高
- 昨晚弟弟拉肚子,没睡好觉使 . . . ( )空气污染减少很多
(不)等于 is a pattern for “A is equal to or not the same as B”, often synonymous with or equivalent to (不)代表 (daì biǎo) represent, (不)意味着 (yì weì zhe) signify, or (不)说明 mean
- 我跟你一起开车去加州玩不等于我愿意做你的女朋友。
- 她没去哈佛(hā fó, Harvard)念书不代表她不聪明。
- 井河从北京回来看暖不意味他还爱暖。
- 哑巴没有跟暖说他爱她不说明他对她没有感情。
- 我们今天上课来晚了不等于您的课没有意思。
- 暖告诉井河她三次没给他回信意味着她跟别人了。
- 你常常不来上课,不做作业说明你不想继续学中文了。
- 他把这么贵的电脑送给你意味着他喜欢你。
- 现在天气这么冷,你不穿大衣出去等于是自杀。
- 她跟你去中国旅游代表她已经原谅(yuán liàng, forgive)你对她说谎(shuō huǎng, lie)。
- That Nuan is happy to see Jinghe does not mean she does not love her husband.
- If they are unable to go to school, it’s the same as they can never go and live in the city.
- If you say “No” to him, it means that your job is gone.
- That your parents love you does not mean you can live with them without paying rent.
- Able to speak and listen to Chinese with comprehension does not represent you can read and write Chinese.
- To have attended college is not the same as you are able to help those in need.
- Give money to people with no food to eat is (not) the same as helping them.
- That he often says “Thanks” to you signifies that he does not feel you are his real friend.
- What she said to you yesterday does not really represent her views (看法) of you.
- That he did not call you when you were sick does not mean he has found a new girl friend.